Sunday, October 30, 2022

Open Mic

Its been a relentless construction season and I haven't been able to prioritize blogging. I have prioritized positive thinking though. Still I muse over the larger issues of the day. My son and I went to the Vonnegut Museum over fall break. My son had recently finished Slaughterhouse Five and was able to recap the strange plot line to me in great detail . After his retelling I said I thought the book was about trauma and out of body experiences, to which he said, "yes that too". I picked up a copy of Breakfast of Champions while at the museum and shortly after starting it I felt in the mood to write some dark poetry (Vonnegut will do that to you). 

I want to get back to writing nice posts about home maintenance and sustainability, but until then we will have to settle for an open mic session. Here is the latest creation -

Climate Refugees

The moon cycles methodical madness
Wax and full and wane again again
Its bright bodied pearl a calling
card in the sky

Remember us, your one true love
We carry only the imprint of a belt:
Felt in the marrow, narrow-
the voyage to be better

From our burning planet
We escape only to capture tears in jars
And the urine we bottle
Who would leave the mollusk in the desert?

Little blue marble ignites like the
Cuyahoga at noon seen from the cosmos
Ancient ones tried to warn us of thirst
Now we swim in a starry sea of drought 


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Open Mic

Its been a relentless construction season and I haven't been able to prioritize blogging. I have prioritized positive thinking though. S...