Sunday, January 24, 2021

New Age

We were swallowed by a black hole last night. By, we, I mean all of us. We were in a flurry of conversation about Michelle Obama's plum wool coat and Bernie Sander's homespun mittens. As we chattered away we got blind sided by a black hole. It didn't care about our political affiliations or what clothes we had on. No warning, no goodbyes, just gone like the dinosaurs or the Mayans or ancient romans - buh bye.

Of course it was a dream or rather a nightmare. Odd because everyone was riding high on the inauguration. Apparently, I'm scared we are going to lose all of it. Our pageantry, our history, our ceremonies, our rites of passage. The threats to our world and our democracy are very real these days.

Yet, when beauty shows itself to the world it is a tender thing. Amanda Gorman, the young poet with skin that shines like a radiant black berry dressed in yellow and red laid at our feet the world of poem. Asking us if we are brave enough to be the light we seek.

President Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement in one of his first acts as president. He has an appointed a diverse group of cabinet members including the first Native American appointee, Deb Haaland, as the secretary of the interior. Its somewhat unbelievable that in addition to never having a woman in an executive leadership role before; we've never had a person of Native American descent serve in a presidential cabinet.

In my own life and work I'm feeling drawn to the ancient wisdom of indigenous people. Perhaps the answer key to the climate crisis has been here all along. It would take 3 plus earths to support everyone living the same lifestyle as me and I'm a self proclaimed treehugger. What could change if we are brave enough to see the earth not as a commodity, but as a gift that is meant to be shared. The climate crisis feels like that black hole waiting to swallow us all whether or not we have a damn mask on. 

However, I can't lose sight of the light that creates the shadows. As Gorman eloquently puts it:

"When day comes we step out of the shade,
aflame and unafraid,
the new dawn blooms as we free it.
For there is always light,
if only we're brave enough to see it.
If only we're brave enough to be it."

One thing is sure a new age is here. What stories will we live to tell?

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